Collection Of Sayings

Pick from our HUGE collection of sayings!

If you don't see a saying that you like, contact us and we'll get it done for you! 
  • Be fearless
  • Think differently
  • Find balance
  • Embrace change
  • Fight injustice
  • Feel free
  • Spread kindness
  • Make memories
  • Stay curious
  • Be courageous
  • Build bridges
  • Empower others
  • Act wisely
  • Try again
  • Stay humble
  • Lead boldly
  • Act selflessly
  • Forgive often
  • Listen actively
  • Be patient
  • Show compassion
  • Grow stronger
  • Be resilient
  • Stay true
  • Take risks
  • Thank You
  • Carpe Diem
  • I’m sorry
  • I’m pregnant
  • It’s over
  • Sh*t happens
  • Love you
  • You win
  • Believe me
  • Trust me
  • You can
  • Dream big
  • Be awesome
  • Stay true
  • Oh snap
  • Shine on
  • Dammit
  • Game on
  • You first
  • You sparkle
  • Stress less
  • You’re welcome
  • Very nice
  • I see
  • Just saying
  • Be kind
  • Be more
  • Oh wait
  • Forget you
  • Fish on
  • Bite me
  • Earn it
  • Wine not
  • Stand tall
  • Be wild
  • Oh, you?
  • Don’t stop
  • Enjoy life
  • I’m blessed
  • Call me
  • That’s hot
  • Jiminy Cricket!
  • Aim high
  • Bull Sh*t!
  • Hell, no
  • Have goals
  • I do
  • Let's play
  • Smile more
  • Ruff day
  • My therapy
  • Oh brother




  • What. Ever.
  • Shut up
  • Kiss me
  • Case closed
  • Tune in
  • Yee Haw
  • Let go
  • Play hard
  • Hello you
  • Find yourself
  • Choose wisely
  • Imperfectly perfect
  • Watch me




  • Just drive



  • Forget this




  • Come back




  • Hello, world




  • Respect me



  • Rise above

  • For sure


  • It's me
  • Save yourself
  • Ladies, first
  • Of course
  • Miss you
  • Shift happens
  • Slow down
  • Start living
  • Stay beautiful
  • Save it
  • Hug me
  • Bless you
  • Dear sir
  • Follow me
  • Get out
  • Yes, ma’am
  • Not yet
  • Beat me
  • Bug off
  • Patience, child
  • Marry me
  • Cancer sucks
  • Baby steps
  • Smoking guns
  • High five
  • Move along
  • That’s right
  • Take me




  • Let's roll
  • Oh, wait




  • Get some
  • That’s enough
  • Think twice
  • Why me?
  • Do me
  • Yes, sir
  • Step back
  • Oh, Lord
  • How sweet




  • I’m blushing
  • Question everything
  • Bless your heart
  • That’s it




  • Move over
  • Screw you
  • Just dance
  • Why not?
  • Crazy beautiful
  • Watch out
  • That hurts
  • God speed
  • Spread beauty